Tao Chen

Postdoctoral Associate
Department of Computer Science
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, United States

Email: tachen.cs@gmail.com / tac194@pitt.edu

Google Scholar / LinkedIn / Github / ORCID

AI for sound, wearable, and multi-modal agent.

I am on the job market this season and appreciate any fit opportunity.


[Jul, 2024] Zero-shot IoT sensing with foundation models now accepted by ECAI'24.

[Mar, 2024] EarVoice is now accepted by MobiSys'24 :)

[Jan, 2024] Mobile Acoustic Field (MAF) is accepted by CHI'24.

[Dec, 2023] One acoustic paper is currently under one-shot revision at NSDI'24.

[Nov, 2023] Asclepius and MagWear are both accepted by MobiCom'24. See you in DC next year!

[Jun, 2023] Happy to receive the Best Poster Presentation Award (12/300+) at Pitt Postdoctoral Symposium 2023!

[Feb, 2023] SoundSticker is accepted by ToSN, checkout the website for the demo and audio clips!

[Dec, 2022] Humbled to receive the ACM SIGMOBILE Student Community Grant award!


I am an audio expert focusing on human-centric acoustics. My research aims to unlock the untapped potential of sound through cutting-edge AI, sensing, and computational technologies. Sound, a fundamental element in our world, is a potent force that offers rich insights into our physiology, environment, and interactions. My work tries to uncover these new dimensions in the comprehension and utilization of sound within the mobile sphere. This includes analyzing in-body sounds for healthcare advancements, enhancing interactions through sound-sensitive devices (like earphones) and speech , and protecting environmental acoustics. Ultimately, my research endeavors to transform the role of sound in technology and everyday life, making it more integral and interactive.

I am currently building next-gen wearable AI on earphones.

Short Bio

I am a passionate experimental researcher and a full-stack engineer, currently, a postdoc researcher at the University of Pittsburgh, working with Prof. Longfei Shangguan. Prior to my postdoc, I received my Ph.D. from City University of Hong Kong, under the supervision of Prof. Zhenjiang Li.

I am a quick learner, easily adapt to new things, and get the job done.

Main Publications

(^ represents for students I supervise)

[MobiCom'24] Exploring the Feasibility of Remote Cardiac Auscultation Using Earphones

Tao Chen, Yongjie Yang, Xiaoran Fan, Xiuzhen Guo, Jie Xiong, Longfei Shangguan

MobiCom 2024 , D.C., USA, Oct 2024

[Project]    [Paper]    [Slides]    [Video]   

[MobiSys'24] Enabling Hands-Free Voice Assistant Activation on Earphoness

Tao Chen, Yongjie Yang, Chonghao Qiu, Xiaoran Fan, Xiuzhen Guo, Longfei Shangguan

MobiSys 2024 , Tokyo, Japan, June 2024

[Project]    [Paper]    [Slides]    [Video]   

[CHI'24] MAF: Exploring Mobile Acoustic Field for Hand-to-Face Gesture Interactions

Yongjie Yang^, Tao Chen, Zipan Huang, Xiuzhen Guo, Longfei Shangguan

CHI 2024 , Hawaiʻi, USA, May 2024

[Project]    [Paper]    [Slides]    [Video]   

[MobiCom'24] Exploring Biomagnetism for Inclusive Vital Sign Monitoring: Modeling and Implementation

Xiuzhen Guo, Long Tan, Tao Chen, Chaojie Gu, Yuanchao Shu, Shibo He, Jiming Chen, Longfei Shangguan

MobiCom 2024 , D.C., USA, Oct 2024

[Paper]    [Slides]    [Video]   

[MobiCom'23] Towards Spatial Selection Transmission for Low-end IoT devices with SpotSound

Tingchao Fan^, Huangwei Wu^, Meng Jin, Tao Chen, Longfei Shangguan, Xinbing Wang, Chenghu Zhou

MobiCom 2023 , Madrid, Spain, Oct 2023

[Paper]    [Slides]    [Video]   

[ToSN] The Design and Implementation of a Steganographic Communication System over In-Band Acoustical Channels

Tao Chen, Longfei Shangguan, Zhenjiang Li, Kyle Jamieson

ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks

[Project]    [Paper]    [Slides]    [Video]   

[NDSS'20] Metamorph: Injecting Inaudible Commands into Over-the-air Voice Controlled Systems

Tao Chen, Longfei Shangguan, Zhenjiang Li, Kyle Jamieson

NDSS Symposium 2020 , San Diego, CA, February 2020

[Project]    [Paper]    [Slides]    [Video]   

[ICDCS'20] Mobile Phones Know Your Keystrokes through the Sounds from Finger's Tapping on the Screen

Zhen Xiao^, Tao Chen, Yang Liu, Zhenjiang Li

IEEE ICDCS , Singapore, December 2020

[Paper]    [Slides]    [Video]   

[TMC] Journal version in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing

[IOTJ] Adversarial Attacks and Defenses on Cyber-Physical Systems: A Survey

Jiao Li, Yang Liu, Tao Chen, Zhen Xiao, Zhenjiang Li, Jianping Wang

IEEE Internet of Things Journal

[Paper]    [Slides]    [Video]   

Other Publications

Towards Remote Auscultation With Commodity Earphones

Tao Chen, Xiaoran Fan, Yongjie Yang, Longfei Shangguan

SenSys 2022 , Boston, USA, November 2022

Poster: Room-Scale Over-the-Air Audio Adversarial Examples

Tao Chen, Longfei Shangguan, Zhenjiang Li, Kyle Jamieson

NDSS Symposium 2020 , San Diego, USA, February 2020

Selected Awards

SIGMOBILE Student Community Grant Award, ACM SIGMOBILE, 2022

Best Poster Presentation Award (12/300+), Pitt Postdoctoral Research Symposium, 2023

Student Travel Grant, NDSS, 2020

Research Tuition Scholarship, CityU, 2020

Robosub Best New Team, AUVSI and ONR, 2016

Singapore AUV Challenge First Place, IEEE OES Singapore, 2016


Editor: Electronics: Recent Advances in Signal Processing for Flexible and Wearable Electronics (Special Issue)

TPC:IEEE MSN 2024; IEEE ISPA 2024; IEEE ICPADS 2024; EarComp'24; UbiComp/ISWC 2024; SENSORDEVICES 2024; ACM BigCom2024; EAI MobiQuitous 2024; MobiCom 2024 (AEC); NDSS 2024 (AEC); AMC IPSN 2024 (Poster); MobiCom 2023 (AEC); SOSP 2023 (AEC); EAI MobiQuitous 2023; IEEE ICPADS 2023; EarComp'23; IEEE Cloud Summit 2023; IEEE ICPADS 2022; EAI MobiQuitous 2022; ACM Sensys2022 (shadow PC)

Reviewer: ACM CHI 2025; ACM BigCom2024; ACM ICDCS 2024; ACM CHI 2023; ACM IMWUT 2023; ACM IMWUT 2021; ACM ASSETS 2023; IEEE VIS2023; IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing; ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security; ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks; IEEE Pervasive Computing; IEEE Internet of Things Journal; Frontiers Artificial Intelligence of Things

Organization: Session Chair @ MobiQuitous 2022


I had wonderful experiences on designing underwater robots (AUV) with a group of friends during my undergraduate years, where I am in charge of the hardware and sonar system. Our AUV NEMO won Best New Team in Robosub 2016 (San Diego, CA) and First Place in SAUVC 2016 (Singapore).

Here are some memorable videos about our robot and team in SAUVC (day3, day2, day1) and Robosub (team).